Power Platform Supply Chain

Powerful automation and workflows for Supply Chain

Embrace workflow-driven agility in your supply chain

Automate your Supply Chain function to eliminate error-prone repetitive tasks for a smoother planning, sourcing, manufacturing and delivery process. With Microsoft Power Platform, deliver a seamless ordering experience, optimize warehouse management to improve cash flows, and leverage low-code technology for mutually beneficial outcomes for customers and the business. 

Boost revenue with inventory optimization and cost reductions

Streamline process management to prevent inventory issues

Take swift action on supply chain challenges

Leverage AI for future supply chain predictions

Supply chain automation  

Attain speed, quality, and reliability

Take your supply chain planning capability to the next level of maturity with completeness, timeliness, and customer satisfaction. 

Attain speed, quality, and reliability

CSCOs Are Starting Their Journey To The Next Operating Model

Human augmentation

After 2030, most supply chain activities are expected to become fully autonomous. Supply chain leaders can leverage the time saved to focus on growth-driven strategies. 

Strategic leadership

64% of supply chain leaders observe that digital transformation for their organization is accelerating to meet the demand for supply chain agility and responsiveness. 

Predictive planning

73% of supply chain organizations are investing in AI-enabled planning technology and advanced robotics to support insights about future risks and opportunities. 

Supply chain automation

Start your Supply Chain automation journey through key use cases

Inventory management

Optimize inventory to reduce costs and prevent stock-outs. Automated inventory management tracks items in real-time, updates availability on sales channels, and uses AI for optimal stock levels, triggering alerts for replenishment when needed.

Inventory management

Order management

Supply chain teams utilize automation to digitally process and verify customer orders, ensuring swift packing and dispatch. Automated updates to customer details and orders improve transparency, enhance forecasting, and lead to faster shipping, precise order tracking, and enhanced accuracy for a positive customer experience.

Order management

The Confiz Experience

Teams and trainings 

Our dedicated team of technology experts combine industry knowledge, experience, and ongoing training to foster growth, innovation, and evolution.”

Advisory and support

Our dedicated account executives go beyond implementation, serving as monitors, advisors, and trainers to drive a culture of change in your organization. 

Compliance and governance

We align with modern technology and industry standards, using non-invasive solutions compliant with existing IT infrastructure to minimize disruptions. 

Our Readings

Our approach sets us apart from others

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