Power Platform HR

Powerful workflows and automations for HR

Reinvent your HR function with automation

 Digitize and automate your Human Resource function to intelligently streamline your workflows and improve employee experience through Microsoft Power Platform. Shift from document-driven to people-centric decision-making, enhancing engagement and creating a unique workplace experience. 

Improve retention rates and redeploy staff to strategic roles.

Reduce costly errors, security risks, and repetitive tasks.

Expand the talent pool with predictive analytics and unbiased screening.

Optimize recruitment and onboarding for higher ROI.

Digital HR

Accelerate Delivery And Daily Productivity

Through process analytics and end-to-end automation, your workforce will now have the time to unlock complex tasks of strategic value. 

Accelerate Delivery And Daily Productivity

Build An HR Function Driven By
Workplace Championship

Strategic leadership 

Completing manual tasks takes up to 14 hours per week of an HR manager’s time. This time can be better spent on culture building and community development. 

Objective processes 

Using automated workflows during recruitment processes delivers the most suitable candidate match and removes human bias by 43%. 

Cultural evolution 

80% of HR employees identify improved attitude towards their employer and greater job satisfaction after using HR technologies. 

HR automation

Start your HR automation journey through key use cases

Automated recruitment

Automate candidate selection by matching required skillset 'keywords' with resumes to find the best fit. Automate subsequent recruitment stages, including candidate communication, informational emails, and self-service interviews.

Automated recruitment

Travel and expense management

Improve employee experience with automated expense management for faster approvals. Streamlined workflows empower employees to track request progress. Expense data aids in future budget forecasting.

Travel and expense management

The Confiz experience

Teams and trainings

Our dedicated team of technology experts combine industry knowledge, experience, and ongoing training to foster growth, innovation, and evolution.”

Advisory and support

Our dedicated account executives go beyond implementation, serving as monitors, advisors, and trainers to drive a culture of change in your organization. 

Compliance and governance

We align with modern technology and industry standards, using non-invasive solutions compliant with existing IT infrastructure to minimize disruptions. 

Our Readings

Our approach sets us apart from others

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