
Navigating the Path to Operational Agility with Dynamics 365


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With rapidly evolving consumer buying behaviors, bottleneck competition, and razor-thin margins, retail grocery businesses must rethink operations and upend traditional processes. Embracing automation and accelerating digital transformation is paramount to addressing business challenges and staying ahead of retail paradigm shifts.

Watch this exclusive 45-min live webinar, where Microsoft and Confiz will share experience-driven insights into the tech-first strategy and solution for grocers to achieve operational excellence, boost productivity, and sustain business growth in the evolving grocery ecosystem.

In this webinar, you’ll learn about the following:

  • Key trends and challenges that are shaping the grocery retail industry
  • Recipe for sustaining growth in a fluid business landscape
  • Unique perspective of Dynamics 365 Super & Hypermarkets Solution to address grocers’ digitization needs
  • Solution’s Live Demo
  • Success Stories of leading grocers using Dynamics 365

Meet the speakers

Khurram Zaki

Product Strategy Lead

Bilal Yaqub

Pre-Sales Dynamics Consultant

Mohammed Reza

Director of Business Development