Ruba Digital

Maximizing business potential and competitive advantage

Project Overview

Automation, everywhere

Ruba Digital implements a scalable, flexible solution to deliver exceptional customer experiences.

The need

Unify operations, finance and business analytics

Ruba Digital, one of the largest retail chains of electronic products, needed an integrated and adaptable business management solution to modernize and streamline its growing business operations, from procurement and sourcing to planning and sales. Thus, to eliminate challenges associated with the “Hire Purchase” model, including delays in the sales process, untracked inventory movements, and increased credit risk, Confiz leveraged its process operation expertise and implemented Microsoft Dynamics 365 as a single, unified ERP solution.

The Solution

A 360-degree view of the business, customers, and employees

The proposed solution helped Ruba Digital eliminate unnecessary sourcing and processing delays, maintain customer database, and reduce credit risk significantly. Automated complex calculations and adjustment transactions saved time and helped generate customized reports that were crucial to reducing credit risk and streamlining back-end operations at Ruba Digital. Initially, a single sales process entry took 3-4 hours, but now it is successfully done within 7-8 minutes. The issue of the disorganized database was resolved with automated computerized national identity card validation, which made sure there were no repetitive date entries.

Additional improvements included:

  • serialized inventory management for better tracking and control,
  • automated management of sales policies,
  • price and discount agreements, and
  • custom security roles designed to maintain duty segregation.

What we did

Dynamics 365 Finance and OperationsRobust reportingProcess OptimizationInventory management

The Outcome

Enhanced business growth and customer service

Enhanced sales process efficiency

Enhanced sales process efficiency led to quicker deal closures and increased revenue.

Quality reporting and planning

Quality reporting and planning enabled data-driven insights for strategic decision-making.

Increased data visibility and process optimization

Increased data visibility and process optimization resulted in more streamlined and efficient operations.

Centralized data and process optimization

Centralized data and process optimization brought all critical functions under one roof for improved efficiency.

Reduced credit risk and operational costs

Reduced credit risk and overall operational costs, contributed to better financial health

Improved customer experience

Improved customer experience fostered stronger loyalty and satisfaction.

See our strategy in action!