The rise of low-code no-code platforms and their impact on software development

May 15, 2023

The emergence of low-code and no-code development platforms is transforming the way software is created, enabling non-technical individuals to build apps. This innovative trend is poised to revolutionize the entire software development process.

According to research, by 2025, a staggering 70% of new business applications will be developed using low-code or no-code technologies. Another study suggests that by 2030, the low-code no-code market is projected to generate a whopping $187.0 billion in revenue. These numbers speak volumes about the disruptive potential of these game-changing platforms!

There are various reasons behind the widespread use of low-code platforms. Still, the main factor is the significant gap between the growing requirement for software development services and the industry’s limited number of skilled developers. Additionally, the need for digital transformation and how people view technology contribute to this trend.

Over time, there has been a shift towards simpler visual tools instead of complex coding. This has led to the development of advanced no-code and low-code platforms, which allow non-technical individuals to create powerful websites and applications without relying on specialized software developers.

How are low-code platforms transforming software development?

The drag-and-drop features of low-code no-code platforms have enabled developers to assemble apps without the cumbersome manual coding. As a result, many large enterprises, including Toyota, are already leveraging low-code media to speed up application development processes and create business value.

The impact of LCNC on the traditional software development process is nothing short of profound. Some remarkable ways it’s revolutionizing the industry are as follows:

1. Accelerate software development

Traditional software development involves coding everything manually, making it a time-consuming process that requires highly skilled programmers. Moreover, making changes can be challenging once the software is in production.

However, no-code and low-code platforms have revolutionized software development by enabling users to create custom applications quickly. This is particularly beneficial for businesses that require fast application deployment.  

In addition, by allowing developers to create complex applications visually, low code/no code tools accelerate requirements gathering and prototype creation, reducing time spent on wireframes and intricate coding. Additionally, these tools often provide pre-built code libraries, reducing development time.

2. Reduce costs

With low-code and no-code platforms, organizations can build custom applications without requiring a team of highly skilled developers. This reduces the costs associated with hiring and retaining such resources.  

Additionally, the time required to build an application is significantly reduced, allowing businesses to bring new products to market faster and quickly adapt to changes.

Furthermore, low-code and no-code platforms require less investment in terms of infrastructure and hardware compared to traditional code-based applications.  

Since these platforms are built to be intuitive and user-friendly, there is a reduced need for extensive training and specialized knowledge. This translates into easier maintenance and reduced costs for keeping the application running.

3. Empower teams with increased accessibility

With low-code/no-code software development, the ability to remain flexible in today’s fast-paced work environment no longer depends solely on the expertise of the IT department.  

No-code capabilities empower even those without technical expertise to tailor their tools to meet their specific needs, using intuitive point-and-click, drag-and-drop building blocks, allowing them to become their own “citizen developers.” This allows for more customization and reduces the need for extensive coding knowledge.

Moreover, Low-code software requires minimal programming skills and can be fully customized within a predefined framework and an application programming interface (API). As a result, this approach saves time and money on the development side, freeing up skilled programmers to focus on more important projects for the business.

4. Facilitate greater collaboration

By breaking down the barriers between business users and IT teams, LCNC platforms facilitate communication, leading to better solutions and more streamlined development. Business users can provide feedback and insights on the development process, while IT teams can ensure that applications are secure and scalable.

Furthermore, LCNC platforms often include features that enable real-time collaboration and allow multiple users to work on the same application simultaneously.

5. Make businesses more scalable

As businesses expand, the need for custom applications and streamlined workflows becomes even more substantial. Low-code platforms can help enterprises to meet these challenges by providing a scalable solution that can adapt to changing business needs.

With the ability to develop custom applications, non-technical teams can rapidly prototype and iterate on new ideas, test them in real-world scenarios, and quickly pivot as needed.  

Moreover, low-code and no-code platforms often come with pre-built modules and integrations, which can speed up development and reduce errors. As a result, businesses are better positioned to scale up business processes.

6. Improve agility and adaptability

By reducing development time and making it easier for teams to create and modify applications, low-code platforms enable organizations to respond more quickly to market changes and customer needs. This increased agility helps businesses stay competitive in an ever-changing landscape.

How to use low-code platforms to create custom solutions for your unique business needs?

Creating custom applications with low-code or no-code software development can be a powerful way to meet your business needs without requiring extensive technical expertise or resources. Here are the basic steps you can follow:

  • Define the primary goal of your application: To create a successful app, it’s important to define its purpose. Consider your business needs, such as improving customer satisfaction, increasing brand awareness, or reaching more customers. These factors will help you determine your primary goals for the app. Once you grasp the app’s purpose, the development process can begin.
  • Choose a low-code or no-code platform: Many excellent low-code platforms like Microsoft Power Apps are available. Each comes with its features and capabilities. Research and compare different options to find the most suited to your needs.
  • Design and customize your application: Use the platform’s visual interface to design your application’s user interface and workflows. Drag-and-drop components and connect them to create the desired functionality or use pre-built templates.
  • Configure your application: Use the platform’s configuration tools to customize the application’s behavior and data. This may involve integrating with other systems, defining business rules, or configuring security settings.
  • Test and deploy: Once your application is designed and configured, test it thoroughly to ensure it works as expected. Then, deploy it to your users and monitor its performance to identify any issues or opportunities for improvement.
  • Refine and improve: Use user feedback and performance metrics to iterate on your application and improve its functionality over time.

Following these steps, you can create custom applications that efficiently meet your business’s strategic goals without constantly depending on the IT department.

In a nutshell

Low-code and no-code platforms are revolutionizing software development. They offer greater accessibility, faster growth, reduced costs, increased team empowerment, improved collaboration, and more efficient business scaling. These platforms allow businesses to create custom applications that cater to their specific needs, giving them a competitive edge in a dynamic market.  

If you want to find the right no-code or low-code development platform for your business, please get in touch with us at Our experts are available to help you customize and develop your application.