Staff Augmentation vs. Managed Services: Choosing the ideal strategy for your business

September 26, 2023

As the trend of remote work continues to rise, businesses are increasingly turning toward global talent to meet their staffing needs. Many now favor outsourcing over in-house project management. It’s no surprise that the global outsourcing market, currently valued at $260 billion is projected to double by 2030.

Businesses can leverage a range of outsourcing models to manage their workforce and achieve their objectives efficiently. Among the most prominent are Staff Augmentation and Managed Services, each offering its own set of advantages and risks.

This blog compares staff augmentation vs managed services, helping you determine which strategy fits your business best.

What is Staff Augmentation?

Staff augmentation is a workforce strategy in which businesses hire external professionals or teams for specific projects or tasks, typically on a temporary or short-term basis. The external experts integrate seamlessly with the in-house team, bridging skill gaps and providing specialized knowledge and expertise. This outsourcing model quickly augments your team’s capacity, letting you scale onshore, nearshore, or offshore talent based on demand.

Benefits of Staff Augmentation services

Staff augmentation services offer a wide range of benefits to organizations across various industries. Here are some of the key advantages of choosing these services:

  • Access to specialized skills: Staff augmentation allows organizations to quickly access highly specialized skills and expertise that may not be available in-house. Whether it’s IT, software development, design, or Microsoft Dynamics 365 Implementation, you can bring in experts with the exact skills needed for your project.
  • Speedy resource deployment: Organizations can quickly onboard external professionals, reducing the time it takes to initiate and complete projects. This speed is crucial for meeting tight deadlines and staying competitive.
  • Reduced recruitment burden: The process of finding, hiring, and onboarding full-time employees can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. Staff augmentation providers handle the recruitment and onboarding process, saving organizations valuable time and effort.
  • Mitigation of skills gaps: Staff augmentation helps bridge skills gaps within the organization, ensuring that professionals with the required expertise execute projects. This reduces the likelihood of errors and delays.
  • Knowledge transfer: Staff augmentation services often involve knowledge transfer from external experts to the in-house team. This facilitates learning and skill development among internal staff, improving overall capabilities.
  • Risk mitigation: Skilled professionals provided by staff augmentation service providers can help organizations mitigate risks associated with unfamiliar technologies, industries, or project scopes.
  • Quality assurance: Staff augmentation providers typically have rigorous selection processes and ensure their professionals are highly qualified, enhancing the quality of work delivered.
  • Meeting short-term needs: When organizations face temporary resource shortages due to employee leaves, sudden projects, or seasonal workloads, staff augmentation can provide the necessary support.
  • Customization and control: Organizations retain control over the management and direction of projects while customizing the skill set and experience level of the augmented staff to suit their specific needs.

When to choose Staff Augmentation?

Here are some scenarios where staff augmentation can prove to be a suitable choice for your business:

  • Temporary demand: Staff augmentation excels in addressing short-term projects with tight deadlines, accommodating additional projects when your in-house team is unavailable, or managing seasonal spikes in demand, among other situations.
  • Specialized expertise: It becomes a valuable choice when specialized skills are scarce in your local talent pool.
  • Effective business strategy: Some businesses opt for staff augmentation to accelerate their time-to-market, rapidly develop a minimum viable product, launch a startup, better respond to customer demands, and in various other strategic scenarios.

What are Managed Services?

Managed Services is an outsourcing model where a third-party provider is responsible for managing and maintaining specific functions or processes within a company. As opposed to in-house team integration, managed service providers operate autonomously. Virtually anything within a business can be outsourced to a managed service provider, ranging from tasks such as data migration, software development, and database administration to comprehensive services like implementation and support for ERPs like Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations.  

Benefits of Managed Services

Managed services provide numerous benefits to organizations seeking to optimize their operations, streamline processes, and focus on core business functions. Some key advantages of adopting managed services include:

  • Skills and expertise: Rather than assembling an in-house team, with managed services, you gain access to a proficient team of experts equipped with the right tools and technologies, ready to commence work immediately.
  • No training cost: You no longer have to worry about recruitment, training, and onboarding expenses as managed services teams come fully operational ‘out-of-the-box.’ A dedicated business partner and project manager ensures your project stays on course.
  • Access to the latest tech stack, minus ownership costs: The latest tools and technologies, often costly and requiring training, are readily available through managed services providers. They invest in tools as business expenses, offering you a team with cutting-edge resources and proficiency.
  • Increased focus on core business: Outsourcing business operations to a trusted managed services provider frees up your time to concentrate on core business functions, such as boosting sales and serving clients, without the need for active involvement in development processes.
  • Dedicated project management: To meet project timelines and budgets, effective project management is important. While an in-house team might demand additional hires, expert managed services providers assume project management responsibility, equipped with the necessary tools for an efficient development process.
  • Seamless talent replacement: In the event of individual professionals leaving, managed services providers handle the replacement process without requiring your direct involvement, ensuring project continuity.

When to choose Managed Services?

Here are some scenarios where managed services can prove to be a suitable choice for your business:

  • Complex and diverse IT needs: Managed services are the ideal solution when your organization faces a multitude of intricate IT demands, spanning from data and network management to cloud services, and ERP such as Dynamics 365 Support and Optimization Services. This model enables you to entrust the oversight and maintenance of these multifaceted functions to seasoned experts, guaranteeing thorough and effective coverage.
  • Cost efficiency and predictability: If you prefer predictable IT costs without the burden of recruiting, training, and retaining in-house teams, managed services are a suitable choice. With fixed monthly fees, you manage your budget effectively while accessing a dedicated team of specialists.
  • Focus on core business: When your organization aims to concentrate on core business operations rather than getting bogged down in IT management, managed services provide the freedom to redirect resources and efforts toward strategic growth, customer service, and innovation, leaving IT concerns in capable hands.

What is the difference between Staff Augmentation and Managed Services?

To understand managed services vs. staff augmentation, it’s essential to grasp the key distinctions between these two outsourcing models. This comparison table explains everything in a glimpse:

Staff Augmentation vs. Managed Services: Choosing the right strategy for your business

When deciding between staff augmentation and managed services, it’s essential to carefully evaluate various aspects of your business to determine which approach aligns best with your needs. Several key factors should be taken into account:


Both staff augmentation and managed services offer a level of flexibility. Staff augmentation is particularly advantageous when you have an in-house team that requires additional support or specialized skills. It allows you to augment your existing workforce as needed for specific projects.

On the other hand, managed services enable you to outsource tasks and projects without needing an in-house team. However, managed service providers (MSPs) typically require a retainer fee and may not offer the same level of scalability.

Expertise and skillset

Staff augmentation enables businesses to acquire the specific skills and expertise needed for a particular project, making it a suitable choice when in-house talent lacks these capabilities.

On the contrary, managed services provide businesses access to a broader range of expertise and capabilities, making them an ideal choice for those seeking comprehensive IT support.


Staff augmentation provides cost flexibility, as you only pay for the time and expertise of supplemental staff. This can be a cost-effective solution for businesses of varying sizes, from small and medium-sized enterprises to large corporations.

In contrast, managed services often involve steady, ongoing investments, typically billed on a retainer basis and sometimes annually. While this can be efficient for organizations without an in-house IT team, it is generally a more substantial financial commitment than staff augmentation. Furthermore, managed services typically operate under a subscription-based or fixed-fee model, providing businesses with predictable ongoing costs that simplify the budgeting process.

Level of control

The choice between staff augmentation and managed services significantly affects the level of control you have over your projects. Staff augmentation extends your existing team, allowing you to actively participate in project development and management.

Managed services providers maintain regular communication with clients but offer less day-to-day control. This can lead to decisions that may not perfectly align with your specific business goals.


Both outsourcing models require careful vetting of professionals. However, staff augmentation typically presents fewer potential risks, which can often be mitigated through non-disclosure agreements (NDAs).

In contrast, managed services necessitate sharing sensitive information with a third-party provider. Addressing intellectual property rights is crucial when contracting a managed services provider to ensure that ownership rights are clear post-project completion.

Project duration

Staff augmentation is well-suited for short-term or budget-constrained projects, as well as initiatives that demand flexibility. It is a cost-effective solution for scenarios where scalability is essential.

On the other hand, managed services excel in meeting long-term needs and outsourcing entire projects. They can result in cost savings over extended periods, making them advantageous for projects with extended durations.


Both staff augmentation and managed services are valuable strategies for businesses, but the key lies in aligning them with your specific needs and objectives. Carefully assess your project requirements, resource scalability, budget constraints, and risk tolerance to make an informed decision. Whether you opt for Staff Augmentation to tackle short-term projects or Managed Services to outsource ongoing functions, the ideal strategy is the one that optimally supports your business goals.

Making this decision wisely can lead to improved efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and ultimately, greater success in today’s competitive business landscape.

Ready to ensure successful project implementation and optimize your IT projects? Trust Confiz for its exceptional staff augmentation services! Reach out to us at for expert guidance and customized solutions.