Data Lakehouse vs Data Warehouse: Choosing an ideal data management solution

As businesses grapple with ever-increasing data volume, velocity, and variety, the need for robust solutions for storing, managing, and analyzing data becomes paramount. A survey reveals that a quarter of decision-makers believe their companies’ data volumes will expand by over 60% by the end of 2024. This emphasizes the need for scalable data storage solutions […]

The futurist CFO’s guide to business model innovation with Dynamics 365  

CFO guide

Organizations across industries are disrupting their markets with digital, subscription, project, and service-based business models. This trend began in IT and has now spread to other sectors. By leveraging data, companies are transforming customer experiences and blurring industry lines. Service-based models allow companies to create renewable, predictable revenue streams through subscriptions, project-based services, and fixed-fee […]

Explore how Dynamics 365 Customer Service transforms customer support into a profit center 

Dynamics 365 Customer Service

Excellent customer service is proportionate to an organization’s success as it directly impacts customer loyalty, retention, profitability, and business reputation. Why is customer service important? McKinsey research indicates exceptional customer experiences can boost sales revenue by 2 to 7 percent and profitability by 1 to 2 percent. Moreover, companies that invest in experience-led growth strategies […]

Measuring the ROI of Microsoft Fabric: A leading data analytics platform 

Companies that leverage data insights consistently outperform competitors financially. 62% of retail organizations reported that data analytics is helping them gain a competitive advantage over the competitors. Although this approach is gaining traction, many companies struggle to use the vast amounts of data they collect from various sources. Challenges like integrating, sharing, and manipulating data […]

Enhancing forecast accuracy with the Demand Planning App in Dynamics 365 SCM  

Demand Planning App

A business’s success is fundamentally tied to its ability to meet customer demand, and an efficient supply chain is crucial in achieving this. In supply chain management, achieving efficiency and profitability hinges upon the accuracy of demand forecasts and plans. Traditional methodologies used for forecasting prove inadequate, leading to a multitude of inefficiencies that negatively […]

Reducing customer churn with Modern Data Platform: A quick webinar recap

Customer churn is a silent killer for businesses of all sizes. Losing a customer not only impacts the organization’s immediate bottom line, but also represents a missed opportunity for future growth. Therefore, with high competition and increasing customer expectations among retailers, retaining customers has become more complex than ever. The average customer retention rate in […]

How Copilot transforms marketing workflows in Dynamics 365 Customer Insights 

marketing workflows

Generative AI has revolutionized personal productivity and enhanced organizational capabilities. Copilot has established a new benchmark, enabling employees to develop skills in designing, writing, coding, data analysis, and more. This advancement has elevated their work from good to exceptional. According to a Microsoft research: No doubt, this efficiency empowers marketers and other business professionals to […]

Enhancing Business Intelligence and process efficiency with Microsoft AI Builder

Microsoft AI Builder

With the widespread emergence of Generative AI models, such as ChatGPT, the AI technology landscape has been revolutionized, offering remarkable opportunities for automation and innovation across various industries. These advanced models have demonstrated exceptional capabilities in understanding and generating human-like text, transforming how businesses interact with customers, create content, and streamline operations. As AI becomes […]

Unlock the potential of data in retail: Key insights from our webinar 

There is no doubt about it that data has emerged as one of the most valuable assets a business can leverage, even in the retail industry. Data and retail analytics can become a powerful asset offering retail businesses profound insights into their operations, customer behaviors, and market trends. With the retail analytics market projected to […]