Dubai’s largest pharmaceutical provider

Strategic healthcare evolution: Dynamics 365 Commerce innovations in action 

Project Overview

Elevating pharmacy retail operations

Confiz empowered Dubai’s largest pharmaceutical provider to achieve its visionary goal of building a connected healthcare future. Through meticulous optimization and customization of Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations – specifically focusing on the Commerce Module, coupled with strategic deployment of the Store Commerce app – the client successfully streamlined its operations and achieved regulatory compliance. This transformative initiative optimized inventory management, facilitated insurance integration, improved the customer experience and significantly increased overall scalability.


The need

Building an efficient and connected healthcare future: A pharmaceutical giant's ambitious vision

Embarking on a visionary mission to enhance healthcare services and foster community well-being, Dubai’s largest pharmaceutical provider was committed to bridging the gap between technology and healthcare. Their ambitious vision aimed at creating a unified healthcare ecosystem and integrated retail operations, encompassing outpatient and inpatient pharmacies.
Within this expansive roadmap, a pivotal goal was set to streamline inventory and retail operations and ensure adherence to the region’s Healthcare regulations. Their existing system required comprehensive customization and elevation of their finance and retail operations to achieve efficiency and alleviate administrative and financial burdens. Consequently, the client sought a specialized solution and an expert technology partner capable of addressing these challenges. They aimed to lay the groundwork for a healthcare future where technology acts as a catalyst for accessibility, efficiency, and improved customer satisfaction.

The Solution

Scaling pharmacy operations: Dynamics 365 Commerce’s strategic customizations

In their pursuit of transforming healthcare accessibility and streamlining internal operations, the pharmaceutical provider made a strategic decision to enhance and optimize Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations, particularly the D365 Commerce module, primarily focusing on elevating its retail operations and improving its governance and compliance. The platform’s scalability, robust processing capabilities, and seamless third-party integration seamlessly aligned with the client’s ambitious objectives. 

Confiz implemented a meticulously planned strategy to customize and augment Dynamics 365 Point of Sale for Retail Pharmacies, significantly enhancing inventory management and guaranteeing adherence to the UAE’s stringent medical regulations. This marked the onset of phase 1, a crucial milestone where Confiz seamlessly integrated Batch expiry checks and LOT information with CPOS, aligning with the TATMEEN program’s requirements mandated by the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHP) for pharmacies operating in the UAE. Additionally, the project entailed integrating CPOS with the Shafafiya Insurance Portal, a vital system governing healthcare information exchange, ensuring compliance with Abu Dhabi’s Regulator Policy Manual. The project scope also involved the synchronization of Dynamics 365 Commerce and the backend Dynamics 365 Financials and inventory management system with the client’s core ERP system. 

In phase 2, the initiative focused on deploying the Store Commerce app across 17 outpatient pharmacies across the Middle East region. These extensive deployments and customizations significantly enhanced governance, strengthened operational control, and notably enriched customer satisfaction, establishing new standards for excellence. 

What we did

Dynamics 365 CommerceStore Commerce Appmigrate to store commerceDynamics 365 F&O customizations and Integrations

The Outcome

Operational agility, expansion, a connected healthcare ecosystem

Streamlined processes 

The customizations in Dynamics 365 Commerce and the deployment of Store Commerce led to streamlined operations, improved governance and control, and enhanced overall efficiency.

Optimized inventory management 

The strategic customizations and enhancements made in the D365 Commerce, Inventories, and Finance Module improved stock management and front-end retail operations by ensuring precise batch and expiry tracking, significantly reducing stockout instances.  

Insurance module integration 

The seamless integration of the insurance module across the retail system enhanced the client’s ability to manage insurance-related transactions, providing a unified platform for healthcare services. 

Enhanced customer experience 

The deployment of the Store Commerce app across outpatient pharmacies improved customer interactions, providing a user-friendly interface for transactions and inquiries. 

Increased scalability 

Dynamics 365 Commerce provided a foundation for future growth, allowing the client to seamlessly expand their operations without technical limitations. 

See our strategy in action!