UAE’s oldest government entity

Catalyzing customer excellence: Dynamics 365 CE’s breakthrough journey 

Project Overview

Shaping the digital horizon: Elevating citizen service management with Dynamics 365 CE

Confiz spearheaded a transformative initiative for the customer service operations of UAE’s government services and public administration organization. Through seamless integration of Microsoft Dynamics 365 CE, automated ticketing workflows, and tailored customizations, the organization significantly improved complaint resolution efficiency, empowered call center staff, and markedly enhanced the overall customer experience.  

The need

Navigating legacy challenges to fuel strategic growth

In its pursuit of a digitally interwoven customer journey, the client embarked on a mission to overcome the constraints imposed by outdated systems and fragmented data. These limitations were evident in legacy systems as the organization grappled with meeting the increasing demands and complex workflows spanning its 30 departments and Contact Center. 

These obstacles urged the Municipality to envision an upgraded infrastructure and a unified solution to streamline operations and craft seamless customer experiences. 

Answering this call, Confiz presented a transformative vision anchored in Dynamics 365 CE. This visionary strategy not only revamped the organizational infrastructure but also actively propelled the ongoing digital transformation journey, paving the way for strategic growth and amplified operational synergy. 

The Solution

Harnessing Dynamics 365 CE for customer service transformation

Confiz proposed an all-encompassing solution for the client’s CRM requirements, harnessing the capabilities of Microsoft Dynamics 365. This integration provided a unified view, streamlining customer calls data, profiling, and ticket management operations. The customized solution featured a comprehensive 360-degree customer view, automated ticket assignments, SLA tracking, and robust reports and dashboards to visualize key performance indicators (KPIs) effectively. 

The proposed system’s versatility shines through its adept management of Customer Journeys and 360-degree views within Genesis and Dynamics CRM. This is facilitated by seamless connections with Cloudera and API Gateway. The system was meticulously developed to accommodate diverse user preferences, with multilingual content available in both English and Arabic. Confiz’s D365 consultants played a pivotal role in crafting seven customized ticketing workflows across various domains and establishing a sophisticated ticket assignment matrix to streamline operations. 

To further refine call center operations, the team implemented Ticket SLA Management, introducing timely reminders before and after SLA expiration, enhancing overall efficiency. The CRM system received additional enhancements with Power BI reports for comprehensive business analysis, complemented by CRM integration to synchronize data across diverse lines of business. Furthermore, Confiz’s technical team customized the field service mobile app, fostering efficient collaboration among field service agents and thereby enhancing customer service responsiveness and operational efficiency. 

What we did

D365 Customer EngagementMicrosoft Power BITicket Assignment MatrixApp personalization

The Outcome

System unification, enhanced reporting, and streamlined customer engagement

Unified ticketing management system 

Engineered a versatile ticketing system capable of managing 7 ticket types with built-in scalability for future expansion. 

Automated workflows and enhanced reporting 

Successfully automated Rumors, Feedback, and Customer Perception logs, streamlining monthly reporting to the Executive Council through the client’s e-service portal for efficient decision-making. 

Unified customer view 

Established a comprehensive 360 customer view that integrates data from various systems, providing holistic insights into customer behavior, preferences, and interactions—all consolidated in a single accessible platform. 

Improved SLAs & KPIs 

Implemented precise SLA tracking, resulting in heightened customer satisfaction through enhanced service delivery and responsiveness. 

Extensive reporting 

Generated over 150 reports to empower managers with comprehensive insights, facilitating daily, weekly, and monthly performance monitoring for informed decision-making. 

Mobile accessibility 

Enabled secure access to the system via a field mobile app, granting both in-house teams and field service agents seamless mobility for enhanced operational flexibility and responsiveness. 

See our strategy in action!