Fortune 500 retail client

Predicting and preventing service outage with AI

Project Overview

Robust machine learning and empowered IT support

Proactively avoid service interruptions that cause retailers to lose thousands of dollars per minute.

The need

Anomaly detection in data health

With the availability of time-series data, our biggest Fortune 500 retail client needed a solution to predict and resultantly minimize server downtime across 1,000+ pharmacies in the USA. The objective was to enhance the efficiency of IT operations, allowing for rapid response when faced with system performance issues. Moreover, data health had to be monitored for timely down detection to enhance the collaboration between the on-ground teams and IT support.

The Solution

Machine learning for operational productivity

The introduction of ‘Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations (AIOps)’ in the organization meant that our team could exploit the telemetric, time series data such as CPU and memory usage, systems configuration parameters, and data related to queues in pharmacies to identify trends and anomalies. ARIMA and exponential smoothing models were selected after exploratory data and correlation analysis. This also enabled proactive system notifications in response to downtime so that the support team could react immediately, even before the end-user had to intervene, saving hundreds of hours of lost operational productivity.

What we did

AIOpsARIMATrend analysisData analyticsbusiness intelligence

The Outcome

Timely decision making and problem solving

Data-driven insights through BI

Powerful business intelligence (BI) visualization for data-driven insights

Improved end-user experience

Improved end-user experience with enhanced system performance

Accurate predictability

Achieved 80% accuracy in prediction, mitigating server outages at scale

Quick performance alerts

Timely performance alerts for proactive issue resolution

Successful application of ARIMA

Successful application of ARIMA for predictive analytics

Faster root-cause analysis and response time

Faster root-cause analysis and response time for system optimization

See our strategy in action!